
You've landed an interview. Congratulations! The hard work you've put into writing your resume, networking, and gaining experience has paid off. Now to land the job, you'll need to prepare and practice your interviewing skills.

Don't have an upcoming interview? That's fine too. You always want to be prepared to talk about your qualifications and experiences.

Metropolitan College Students

If you are a Metropolitan College participant, needing to complete your CAPP mock interview requirement, you will need to schedule your mock interview on you MyMC page.

Preparing for an Interview

Preparation is essential to be successful and interviewing is no exception. Maximize your interviewing success by following these preparation tips.

  1. Research
    1. Researching the organization, industry, and position before an interview is crucial as it demonstrates your genuine interest, helps you tailor your responses to align with the company's values and goals, and enables you to ask insightful questions, making a strong impression on potential employers.
        1. Where to research-
          1. LinkedIn
          2. Handshake
          3. Glassdoor
          4. O*Net OnLine
          5. Business First
  2. Practice and Prepare
    1. Update Candidate Materials- It is important to update your resume and reference sheet before an interview to ensure they accurately reflect your most recent achievements and qualifications, making a strong impression on potential employers and showcasing your most relevant skills and experiences.
    2. Navigating Interviews and Perfecting Your Answers- Use the CREW Career Center Interviewing Resource Guide to gain insights into commonly asked questions, learn how to navigate answers, build your brand, and perfect your introduction. Additionally, master the STARR technique for situational questions, authentically represent yourself, decode challenging questions, and improve your communication skills. The guide will also uncover nerve-calming techniques and effective follow-up questions, ensuring you are thoroughly prepared for any interview scenario.
    3. Practice Questions- Practice your responses to questions an employer could ask.
      1. Review these commonly asked questions. You will likely be asked several of these questions, so preparing your response beforehand will increase your confidence.
      2. Prepare yourself to be able to respond to industry-specific questions. Think of key examples and skills that relate to your career field.
      3. Learn the best approach to answering behavioral-based questions. Employers use these types of questions to learn about how you have responded to situations in the past, which is often an indication of how you will respond in future situations.
    4. Cater to Category- Understanding the type of interview is crucial for your preparation. It could be in-person, over the phone, or a virtual video call. You might meet one-on-one with a recruiter or present to an interview panel. Each interview type requires different preparation. For more details, refer to the CREW Career Center Interviewing Resource Guide.
    5. Dressing for Success- Make sure your outfit is appropriate and industry-suitable by checking out these dress-for-success guidelines.

Schedule a Mock Interview Appointment

You’ve probably heard the phrase “practice makes perfect.” Schedule an hour-long practice interview, also called a mock interview, with a CREW Counselor to practice your interviewing skills. You’ll receive feedback on your interviewing preparation, answers to common and industry specific questions, and next steps to ensure your interviewing success.

Schedule a CREW Appointment

Follow-up After Your Interview

Your work is not done after the interview is over.

  • Analyze the Interview
  • Express your Appreciation
    • Send a thank-you note to the employer. You want to continue making a good impression long after you’ve left the interview and a thank-you note will help you do that.
  • Evaluate the Job Offer
    • In addition to salary, it’s important to consider the additional benefits that the employer is offering. You should consider this total package before making a decision. For assistance with salary ranges, utilize the following: